Written documents give evidence of the fortified town of Arges since 1330, whereas during the Middle Ages, it was the second capital of Walachia. The Court of Arges citadel consists of a set of ruins among which the basements of two princely residences within a wall made of boulders taken from the river, together with the oldest church in Walachia, the Princely Church.
Built by Basarab I, the founding prince of Walachia, the Princely Church has front sides made of apparent bricks and river stones. It is decorated with painted frescoes, actually the first samples of Romanian painting (XIV c.). You’ll find here an exquisite fresco of Holly Mary pregnant.
Another impressive monument is the Curtea de Arges Monastery founded by Negoe Basarab in 1514-1517. According to the legend the architect, named Manole was left on the roof of the monastery by the prince, who was afraid that Manole will build another church more beautiful than his. The legend has a tragic ending.